
The IKIIKI Infinity wedding ring series is made for you if you like an exciting, unique design, but are still looking for an elegant and eternal wedding ring.

4 styles, 3 material variations, 3 selectable precious metal coatings: among the 36 combinations, you are sure to find something for you.

And whether the pair of rings is the same or different, one thing is certain: they will match, just like you!

Infinity Minimal

Kívül minimalista letisztultság, belül cellás szerkezet.

Infinity Smooth

Kifinomult elegancia, ami mégis izgalmas.

Infinity Classic

A klasszikus IKIIKI fémhab struktúra.

Infinity Texture

Erős, vibráló, szikrázó. A legkontrasztosabb gyűrű.

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